

  • Betty Chewning
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Joanne M Peters, MS

Research Specialist

Patient self-care has become increasing prevalent, driving more medications from prescription-only to over-the-counter (OTC). Pharmacists, as medication experts, are in a key position to facilitate consumers in making the best decisions with regards to OTC medications. Research on how pharmacists actually counsel patients in community pharmacies on OTC medications is scarce. Filling this gap, my current research focuses on pharmacist-patient communication regarding OTC medications.

Background: Joanne Peters graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 2010 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, majoring in Gender and Women Studies with a concentration in biochemistry. Driven by her passion for women’s health and academic background in biochemistry, in 2013, she returned to graduate school as part of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s School of Pharmacy in the department of Social and Administrative Sciences.

Professional Interests: theories of health behavior & medication use, patient-provider communication, women’s health, and healthcare disparities among vulnerable populations


International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH) 2015 Best Abstract 


BS  2010 University of Wisconsin-Madison

MS 2015 University of Wisconsin-Madison SAS Pharmacy