Ali, Irshad
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-263-0652 5212/5210 Rennebohm Hall |
Allen, Jordan
| Business Office
| 608-890-0317 1216 Rennebohm Hall |
Altschafl, Jeremy
| PharmD Admissions
| 608-265-6715 2220H Rennebohm Hall |
Andrews, Zoe
| Dean's Office
| 608-262-1414 1126 Rennebohm Hall |
Banta, Amy B
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-265-7926 5127 Rennebohm Hall |
Barkei, John
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-262-3869 6214/6216 Rennebohm Hall |
Beebe, Rebecca J K
| Office of Student Services
| 608-262-6234 2220R Rennebohm Hall |
Bergsbaken, Jessica
| Pharmacy Practice & Translational Research Division
| 608-890-1422 1013 Rennebohm Hall |
Bhavsar, Riya P
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| |
Braun, Douglas
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-263-2688 6206/6208 Rennebohm Hall |
Cai, Sheng
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-262-4237 1410 Rennebohm Hall |
Calhoun, Shelley
| Business Office
| 608-262-1325 1212 Rennebohm Hall |
Castelan-Tanner, Alexia
| Office of Student Services
| 608-262-6234 2220 Rennebohm Hall |
Childs, Amy M
| Instructional and Information Technology
| 608-890-0220 2120 Rennebohm Hall |
Chylla, Katherine M
| Instructional and Information Technology
| 608-890-1631 2120 Rennebohm Hall |
Cory, Patrick
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| |
Cutler, Josh
| Business Office
| 608-262-2943 1202 Rennebohm Hall |
Dailey, Amanda
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| |
DeMuth, John M
| Instructional and Information Technology
| 608-262-8125 2327 Rennebohm Hall |
Dickmann, Leslie
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development
| 608-265-8249 1220 Rennebohm Hall |
Dodd, Ernie
| Pharmaceutical Experiment Station
| 608-333-3279 2304 Rennebohm Hall |
Elder, Edmund J
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development Pharmaceutical Experiment Station
| 2119 Rennebohm Hall |
Ethridge, Julie
| Pharmacy Practice & Translational Research Division
| 608-265-0912 1017 Rennebohm Hall |
Fingerhut, Bonnie J
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-263-5482 2329 Rennebohm Hall |
Fisher, Beth
| American Institute of the History of Pharmacy
| 608-262-5378 1404 Rennebohm Hall |
Flanagan, Mary Ellen
| Research Administration Office
| 1208 Rennebohm Hall |
French, Pamela J
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development
| 608-262-3130 1227 Rennebohm Hall |
Frey, Jannelle
| PharmD Admissions
| 608-262-3937 2220L Rennebohm Hall |
Funk Smith, Liz
| Business Office
| 608-890-2434 1218 Rennebohm Hall |
Gassman, Michele
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 608-263-3959 2527 Rennebohm Hall |
Gerhards, Katie
| Marketing and Communications
| 608-890-1611 |
Gilson, Aaron
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 608-262-4723 2527D Rennebohm Hall |
Griffith-Oh, Sally
| Instructional and Information Technology
| 608-263-4859 2501 Rennebohm Hall |
Gurnee, Kendra
| Office of Student Services Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-262-4487 2220F Rennebohm Hall |
Hagan, Robert
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development
| 608-265-6192 1236 Rennebohm Hall |
Hickmann, Emma
| Pharmacy Practice & Translational Research Division
| |
Higby, Gregory J
| American Institute of the History of Pharmacy Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 608-262-5841 2510 Rennebohm Hall |
Hilliard, Ace
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development
| 608-262-4257 1238 Rennebohm Hall |
Hoffman, Rachel
| Pharmacy Practice & Translational Research Division
| 608-262-4412 1011 Rennebohm Hall |
Hopkins, Caroline
| Pharmaceutical Experiment Station
| 608-263-4159 2304 Rennebohm Hall |
Hu, Chia-wei
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-262-5765 6222/6224 Rennebohm Hall |
Huset, Kristen
| American Institute of the History of Pharmacy Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 608-262-3637 |
Imhoff, Lisa
| Dean's Office
| 608-265-3962 1121 D Rennebohm Hall |
Janetski, Beth
| Office of Student Services
| 608-262-7434 1121A Rennebohm Hall |
Jensen, Julie
| Advancement
| 608-957-1137 1848 University Ave. |
Kalvin, Kendra
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development
| |
Kansariwala, Tina
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 608-265-0663 2527D Rennebohm Hall |
Karajic, Almira
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development
| 608-262-3132 1222 Rennebohm Hall |
Karnaky, Alissa
| Advancement
| 608-263-2265 1121 B Rennebohm Hall |
Katzfuss, Ardala
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development
| 608-262-5793 1230 Rennebohm Hall |
Kilcoyne, Mandi
| Research Administration Office
| 608-263-8941 1208 Rennebohm Hall |
Kim, Alyson
| Marketing and Communications
| 608-265-0492 1236 Rennebohm Hall |
Kim, Nam Hyo
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 2502 Rennebohm Hall |
King, Debra
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-262-0353 6117 Rennebohm Hall |
Klowsowski, Noah
| Pharmacy Practice & Translational Research Division Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| |
Knishka, Scott
| Pharmacy Practice & Translational Research Division
| 263-0359 University Hospital E1/382c |
Krogull, Natalie
| PharmD Admissions
| 608-263-4860 2220N Rennebohm Hall |
Kyzer, Jill
| Pharmacy Practice & Translational Research Division
| 608-262-4751 5202/04 Rennebohm Hall |
Lee, Charles S
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 608-265-2128 |
Legenza, Laurel
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 608-265-9765 2527 Rennebohm Hall |
Li, Chunrong
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-265-3251 7226 Rennebohm Hall |
Li, Wen
| |
Loving, Jasmine A
| Dean's Office
| 608-262-1416 1126 Rennebohm Hall |
Lund, Kellen
| Pharmacy Practice & Translational Research Division
| Rennebohm Hall |
Mamidi, Narsimha
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division Wisconsin Center for NanoBioSystems
| 608-262-4680 7234 Rennebohm Hall |
Mann, Becky
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| |
Maurer, Martha
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 608-265-2662 2527A Rennebohm Hall |
McClain, Nate
| Office of Student Services
| 608-890-0912 2220P Rennebohm Hall |
McCrone, Sue
| Pharmacy Practice & Translational Research Division
| 608-265-7802 4232 Rennebohm Hall |
McIntyre, Christopher
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development
| 608-262-4341 |
Miller, Allison
| Business Office
| 608-890-3683 1210 Rennebohm Hall |
Milton, Hailee
| Marketing and Communications
| 608-263-6117 1234 Rennebohm Hall |
Mlot, Christine
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-262-3869 6214/16 Rennebohm Hall |
Moore, Katherine
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 2518 Rennebohm Hall |
Morris, Delicia
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| |
Mudududdla, Ramesh
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| |
Muralidharan, Prasanth
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| |
Nealey, Kendra
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development
| |
Neuman, Sarah
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-890-2037 5226/5228 Rennebohm Hall |
Palmer, Anna
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development
| 608-262-5365 1226 Rennebohm Hall |
Parvin, Randy
| Office of Student Services
| 2220K Rennebohm Hall |
Pellitteri Hahn, Molly
| Analytical Instrumentation Center
| 608-263-9816 1419 Rennebohm Hall |
Peters, Joanne M
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| Rennebohm Hall |
Peterson-Gaines, Carola
| Pharmacy Practice & Translational Research Division
| Rennebohm Hall |
Raap, Meghan
| Business Office
| 608-262-3452 1206 Rennebohm Hall |
Rajski, Scott R
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-262-7582 5119 Rennebohm Hall |
Reinhart, Anna L
| Dean's Office
| 608-263-9072 1122 Rennebohm Hall |
Reitz, Tracey
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development
| Rennebohm Hall |
Robinson, Eric J
| Instructional and Information Technology
| 608-262-8586 2321A Rennebohm Hall |
Rosen, Beth S
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-513-3052 1232 Rennebohm Hall |
Rotzenberg, Kate
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 608-262-1595 2507 Rennebohm Hall |
Rundle, Tina
| Pharmacy Practice & Translational Research Division
| 608-262-4842 1019 Rennebohm Hall |
Scarlett, Cameron O
| Analytical Instrumentation Center
| 608-262-3360 1408 Rennebohm Hall |
Schorr, Whitney
| Research Administration Office
| 1205 Rennebohm Hall |
Skemp Brown, Marty
| Research Administration Office
| 608-263-8125 1208 Rennebohm Hall |
Smith, Jaxom
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| |
Spencer, Christopher
| Instructional and Information Technology
| 608-262-9477 2220U Rennebohm Hall |
Stanek, Richard
| Business Office
| 608-265-1461 1306 Rennebohm Hall |
Steinle, Julie
| Research Administration Office
| 608-265-8070 1214 Rennebohm Hall |
Stoll, Lindy
| Division of Pharmacy Professional Development
| 608-890-1886 1224 Rennebohm Hall |
Stone, Jamie
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 608-262-3312 2527A Rennebohm Hall |
Swan, Hannah R
| American Institute of the History of Pharmacy Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 608-263-9664 1405 Rennebohm Hall |
Tarter, Emily M
| Office of Student Services
| 608-262-6234 2220Q Rennebohm Hall |
Thompson, Hollie
| Graduate Office
| 608-262-6116 1222 Rennebohm Hall |
Tolson-Eveans, Yolanda M
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| 608-263-4878 |
Watter, Amanda
| Pharmacy Practice & Translational Research Division
| 608-265-0591 1015 Rennebohm Hall |
Weigel, Lindsey
| Office of Student Services
| 608-262-7501 2220 Rennebohm Hall |
Wenthur, Brielle
| Social and Administrative Sciences Division
| |
Wilson, Paije
| Ebling Library Liaison
| 608-262-2372 HSLC Room 2341 |
Wimmer, Chelsea
| Office of Student Services
| 608-263-4979 2220S Rennebohm Hall |
Zhang, Hua
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-890-2276 5211 Rennebohm Hall |
Zhang, Zhen
| Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
| 608-263-9979 7206/08 Rennebohm Hall |
Ziel, Nick
| Instructional and Information Technology
| 608-263-2933 2321 Rennebohm Hall |
Zwaska, Amy
| Office of Student Services
| 608-262-5703 2220T Rennebohm Hall |